The Dangers of Noise Exposure

In Hearing Loss by Stan Phillips

To start out this year, I would like to reemphasize the dangers of noise exposure. Specifically, let’s consider how dangerous excessive noise is to our teens and younger children. With the amount of time spent on phones and other sources of music, it’s more important than ever for us as parents to be aware of what would be considered dangerous …

Hearing Test – Will I feel Claustrophobic?

In Hearing Loss by Stan Phillips

One of the things that people think about when they consider doing a Hearing Test is how claustrophobic the hearing test booths can be. Some are as small as a telephone booth! This was a topic of conversation that I had with Tony Bongiovi many years ago. Tony is the record producer behind many famous bands, such as Bon Jovi, …

Is Tinnitus Phantom Noise?

In Hearing Loss, Tinnitus by brian

As an ear, nose, and throat physician, when talking with patients I frequently compare tinnitus to phantom pain. An example of phantom pain is when a patient has an amputation of the knee or foot , and after surgery, at some point, the foot feels like it is on fire or in severe pain even though it is not even …

A Connection Between Hearing Loss and Dementia?

In Hearing Loss by brian

by M. Brian Slater, Au. D. CCC-A Contact our audiologists or ENT physician today to learn more about the possible link between Hearing Loss and Dementia, and about how hearing aids may be able to help. Recently, a growing body of research has shown that a strong link may exist between hearing loss and dementia, the chronic decline in mental …