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Cochlear Implants

Cochlear implants are often a next solution for our patients, when their hearing aids are not providing enough assistance. Many people start by wearing two hearing aids. However, as hearing loss progresses, you may need something more. To improve your hearing performance and help you understand more clearly, you may need to consider a solution that helps you hear your best with both ears.

Woman with a brown Cochlear Implants

For many, a cochlear implant in one ear and a hearing aid in the other can provide a richer more natural hearing experience. This combination is referred to as bimodal hearing.As a member of the Cochlear Provider Network, we work with Dr. Kenneth Maxwell through Piedmont ENT to assess and treat those who may be candidates for a hearing implant. At South Lake, we conduct candidacy evaluations to determine if an implant might be right for you. We also support recipients of cochlear implants by meeting their needs for initial activation, interim programming, troubleshooting, upgrades, and even equipment orientation.