Noise and Health

In Noise by Stan Phillips

Noise and healthI have worked in the Hearing conservation industry for many years now. One of the things that we have discovered is that noise can be very bad for your health. Years of research has shown that people that live in noisy environments, such as loud cities have a higher incidence of high blood pressure, anxiety, and even depression. Noise causes an increase in stress hormones in your body, which leads to all types of detrimental side effects. This is why it’s always been so important to educate people about protecting their ears when they are working in loud noise environments. This includes yard tools and other at home noise exposures.

Loud noise industries such as construction can have a higher incidence of anxiety and even higher rates of suicide. Imagine the kind of noise that construction workers are exposed to on a daily basis and the resulting headaches or just stress overall that can occur from the constant hammering, drilling and banging . Not only is it physically demanding , the brain can get exhausted too!

If you or a loved one works in a loud noise industry , come talk to us about hearing protection options . We are here to help you protect your health in as many ways as possible!